ESL Classes at Faith Community Jinotega

ESL Classes at Faith Community Jinotega

216 children and adults registered for the recent ESL courses in Jinotega! We were excited to be renewing friendships, making new friends, sharing the hope of Christ. Loving the kids! Great group all week! Thank you Hibernia and West Normandy Baptist churches for...
New Year, New Beginnings

New Year, New Beginnings

As 2020 begins, I am so grateful to God for all of His blessings on Highlands Mission Cooperative. Not only did He sustain us through 2019, but through many of you He has provided resources for the new year. A sincere thank you for your partnership in ministry.  ...
Pastor Nelson’s Church Growth

Pastor Nelson’s Church Growth

Here’s a recent inspirational update from Pastor Nelson as he serves in the highlands – “I was recently encouraged by a simple activity, because I had been frustrated thinking the work was not progressing and that we had just a handful of people. We were planning an...
Construction Work in Condega and Esteli

Construction Work in Condega and Esteli

  Construction projects are happening at the Institute Denise Ceaseres in Condega. Imagine this newly renovated space becoming a space for learning and ultimately sharing the love of Jesus Christ! And our social times together are just as important as we share...