Faith Community Masaya recently celebrated their four-year anniversary! Pastor Nelson and his wife Milena are very instrumental in the life of their church, but they are committed to growing the network, too.
Many weekends Pastor Nelson preaches in Masaya and in Jinotega helping to support the congregation there while we continue to search for a new pastor for Faith Community Jinotega. God is using Pastor Nelson and Milena to spread the good news of the gospel. They recently baptized four new members.
And, there is more news from Masaya. About a year ago, the congregation asked me (Dan) about the possibility of getting their own facility. I told them I was for it! We agreed to pray, ask God to give them direction, and begin to give towards a building fund as an act of faith. In February 2022 when Mike Day and I were there, the landlord of their current location offered to sell them the property. It is a nice property with room for them to grow.
Now, we’re continuing to pray and ask the Lord for the provisions to purchase the property. The owner offered the property at $55,000.00 usd. This is a very reasonable sum for the property, and Pastor Nelson and his leaders will be talking with the owner about possible terms for the purchase. The congregation has raised a little over $400.00 usd to date. While this is far short of the full amount, it is significant for them. Pray with us as we seek the Lord’s wisdom, and consider whether he would have you be a part the work in Masaya.
Here is a word from Nelson:
“During this second quarter of the year, we have seen many spiritual fruits both in Granada as well as in Masaya. People are ordering their spiritual lives before God. There are others who are more focused on the vision of our network, giving more of their efforts. Discipleship has become our strongest area in each of our churches. We are optimistic for the second half of the year! We do not let our guard down, and we remain connected to the vine that is Jesus Christ. Thank you for each one of your prayers!”
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in Judea, and Samaria, and to the end of the Earth.” – Acts 1:8