God is moving!

So many good things have happened this summer and many wonderful things are on the horizon for Highlands Mission.

Highlands House is a reality! On October 20th we closed on the property where Highlands House will be built.  There is much work to be done! So far  we have cleaned up the property and made a good impression on some of our neighbors.  Many of them have been waiting for someone to come along and revive this site.  We have a great location close to the central park and midtown area.  This should prove to be a great advantage for our new church start, our ESL academy and our Leadership training and development center.   I am so excited about all that God is going to do with this facility



Though the course of our summer ministry God has blessed and we are seeing growth in several of our partnerships with the local churches.  Our ESL programs and continuing studies are expanding.  Pastor Javier from Primera Baptist Church in Matagalpa, along with Heilym Gutierrez, one of our staff members, have continued to build relationships with approximately 30 of our students from the July course in Matagalpa.

FrankIn February following our three intensive courses in January, we will launch our ESL Academy.  HMC has been blessed with our School director/pastor of our new church, Frank Tijerino.  Frank along with our first 6month intern, Todd Siegel,  will begin extended English and bible study classes.  Please be in prayer for them, that God will use these course to continue building relationships that will lead to new Christ followers that then be discipled in the “way” through the church in Jinotega.

Frank Tijerino

Jackson County elementary and middle schools in jackson County Georgia have been raising funds and awareness through their “Change for Change” initiative.  Promoted through their PTA, students are encouraged to give their spare “change” to help “change” the lives of the children in the rural villages of Nicaragua by providing clean water via HMC’s bio-sand filter projects.  The students are committed to raising funds to pay for and install 90 filters in two villages in Mira Flor, a rural farming and nature preserve in the Esteli region of Nicaragua.

I am blessed and amazed at the ways God has used to fund these filter projects.  In all of the villages we have served,  children have have been the catalyst  for raising awareness and funding.  Though VBS and Awana program missions offerings, to a public school in Georgia, God is using children to lead us.

“The wolf shall dwell with the lamb,
and the leopard shall lie down with the kid,
and the calf and the lion and the fatling together,
and a little child shall lead them”

I am so blessed to be a part of the work God is doing in the mountains Nicaragua.  There is still much to be done.   I am reminded o the passage in Matthew 9:36-38

36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few;38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

Their are many ways for you to join in the harvest.

Pray for us as we go!  We need your prayers, for strength, endurance and wisdom.

Come go with us.  We still need teachers in January.  Sure it is outside your comfort zone! But where would you rather be?  On mission with God and living an adventure or comfortable at home?  Be the change in someone’s life.  How beautiful are the feet of those that bring the good news.  Bring the good news!

Give  We are blessed people. Give generously out of a cheerful heart so that  a   new church can start, the ESL academy can go online, and  Highlands House can become a light in a dark world.   We need your help.