Though hopeful at the beginning of 2020, we, as a country, were completely unprepared to face such a medical emergency as the COVID-19 pandemic. With the closure of the church, we sought ways to feed the flock from home.
We overcame the difficulties of the pandemic to continue to guide and direct the brothers of the church in an encouraging and effective way. As a church, we continued with only a single Sunday service for one hour, imposing the guidelines of social distancing and encouraging the use of masks for those who had them. Added to all the uncertainty was the economic crisis brought on by the pandemic. Unemployment that was already high, went higher. Businesses closed and many wondered how they would survive. By the grace of God, the Church with the support of Highlands Mission, was able provide for many of these families. We are grateful to God that we could continue this support through the worst of the pandemic.
One elderly couple stands out in our minds. In the darkest of days, God led us to their door with a load of supplies. With tears in their eyes they shared that all week they had nothing to feed the pain of hunger in their bellies, but God answered their prayers. The elderly couple with great faith proclaimed as we were leaving that God is good! What a great and moving miracle God allowed us to witness and be a part of!
Things are improving little by little. We have been encouraging several new members who have come to join us.
– Pastor Nelson and Milena