After great first half of the year HMC is gearing up for the summer.

The youth from Celebration Church are preparing for a week of VBS style ministry with  a church plant from Primera Iglesia in Matagalpa. Following a week off, HMC, along with Celebration Church, will host our 4th July Language school.  Colby being Colby

We are excited to see how God uses the school in Matagalpa.  The desire for English is growing, and the opportunities for English speakers is increasing daily.  More and more businesses are operating outside the country, and the need for workers with language skills is on the rise.  We have the chance to help meet the needs of the people and to share the love of Christ as we build relationships teaching English.  God is already opening doors through the intensive language courses in Jinotega where we will start a new church in January of 2015.

Also in July, we will be hosting volunteers who will begin the construction of a new feeding and mentoring center in the south end of the city of Matagalpa.  God is using the ministry of Comedore Infantile Emmanuel to bring hope and purpose to some of the hopeless children of Matagalpa.  Lead by the passion of Adrianna Bracamonte, Comedore Infantile Emmanuel is feeding some 100 plus children, offering tutoring, and sharing the message of Christ daily in her current location in the market.  Our prayer is to begin to serve the Barrio of Lucidia Mantilla in early fall. From the new location, Comedore Infantile Emmanuel will begin impacting some 150 plus children and struggling families with nutrition, education, and the Gospel.  Primera Iglesia has been working in this community; our hope is to see the church begin a permanent work here along side Comedore Emmanuel. Adrianna's kids 1

HMC will be completing our Bio Sand Filter project in Puerta Azules.  We have currently installed 30 of the 66 filter in the community.  We will be delivering another 20 filters in June and the balance in July.  We are grateful to our church partner in Esteli, Iglesia Bautista Cordero De Dios, who is working with HMC, bringing the gospel of Hope to this village.  Pastor Leon Zelaya and his church family will continue to minister to this community through out the year.  We are praying for a man of peace to take up the work and to see a community of believers flourish there. IMG_0223

In August, Chestnut Mountain Church will begin work on a water storage facility in Los Loma Del Nance.  God is opening doors to the gospel through the various projects that our volunteers, both North American and Nicaraguan, are working to provide.  I am reminded often of the word of Christ from Matthew 25, “as often as you have done it unto the least of these my brothers you have done it unto me.”   We will soon be establishing a regular meeting in the village.

“Living our Lives as an example of Christ love. Dedicated to serving others and sharing in His redemptive story.”

A look to the future.

The Language schools in Jinotega have played a huge role in this new church.  Along with the new church, we will be opening our  long term language academy in Jinotega.  The language academy will provide a two semester course that will meet one night a week for two hours of english along with one hour of bible study.  The students who make a positive decisions for Christ will be assimilated into the longterm academy.  The language academy will be integral to the new church.  Our prayer is that the spiritual conversations that begin in the bible study at the academy will culminate in new believers gathering together in the new church.  school ministry

Our desire from the very beginning of our ministry was to work to establish faith communities where the gospel is shared and disciples are made.  We have had many conversations together about how best to plant or start a new work in Jinotega.  Through the faithful work of many of you – Celebration Church, New Churches Now, Hibernia Baptist Church, the Tennessee Three and many more – God has paved the way for this new work.  Our Pastor, Frank Terino, has met with leadership many times; all of the leadership is solidly behind Frank and his family.  The excitement is building in Frank, his wife, and all of us, as we see how God is beginning to lay out the plans before us.  Please pray for the leadership of HMC and for Frank and his family as together we follow the spirits leading.

These are exciting days for Highlands Mission Cooperative and our partners.  God is opening doors and the spirit is leading us into more new opportunities to share the gospel.  All of these opportunities require resources.  We know that the Lord will provide for His work; we also know that “His plan” is to use people like you and me to do it.  Please pray about how God would have you join in the work He is doing through HMC.

There are many opportunities to give:

General fund, these are undesignated funds that will be used where there is need.
Bio Sand filter projects
Adrianna Kids, these funds go to support the work of Comedore Infantile Emanuel
Highlands Language Academy  These funds go towards rent, curriculum, utilities, Nicaraguan director and administrator’s  salary.
Highlands House HMC’s in country base of operations, dormitory for teams, filter construction, training center for pastors and lay leaders.

More information coming on property for Highlands House

Opportunities to serve

ESL school Jinotega July 6-13
Construction for Comedore Infantile Emanuel July 13-20 Full
Construction  Water storage in Los Loma Del Nance  August 16-23
Construction  Water storage Los Lome DEL Nance     September
Construction  Comedore Infantile Emmanuel   October
Church planting prep  November
ESL January 10-17, 2015
ESL January 17-24, 2015
ESL January 24-31, 2015
Medical Mission February 21-28, 2015
Construction  March1-8, 2015

Contact us for a complete calendar for 2015.